WordPress Gallery Plugin

NextGEN Gallery is the most popular WordPress gallery plugin, and one of the most popular WordPress plugins of all time, with over 12 million downloads.
It provides a powerful engine for uploading and managing galleries of images, with the ability to batch upload, import meta data, add/delete/rearrange/sort images, edit thumbnails, group galleries into albums, and more. It also provides two front-end display styles (slideshows and thumbnail galleries), both of which come with a wide array of options for controlling size, style, timing, transitions, controls, lightbox effects, and more.
The NextGEN Gallery WordPress gallery plugin is now proudly maintained by Photocrati Media. Special thanks to Alex Rabe who created and maintained NextGEN from 2007 through 2011.
NEXTGEN GALLERY 2.0: MAJOR UPDATE IN JULY 2013. We released a major update and overhaul to NextGEN Gallery in July 2013. NextGEN Gallery 2.0 presents a completely reworked interface, both for the central options panel and for adding galleries to pages and posts. It's dramatically more powerful and flexible.
INTRODUCING NEXTGEN GALLERY PRO. Along with NextGEN 2.0, we're happy to announce a "Pro" upgrade to NextGEN. NextGEN Pro offers 6 new gallery displays, including Pro Masonry, Pro Filmstrip, Pro Film, Pro Thumbnail Grid, Pro Slideshow, and Pro Blogstyle galleries. It also includes a responsive, fullscreen, mobile-friendly Pro Lightbox with commenting and social sharing for individual images within galleries. And it includes premium one-on-one email support for both NextGEN Gallery and NextGEN Pro.

NextGEN WordPress Gallery Plugin Features

Upload Galleries
  • Our WordPress gallery plugin offers diverse and powerful functionality for getting images from your desktop to your website. You can easily upload batches of images via a standard WordPress-style uploader, or upload images via zip file or FTP. NextGEN will automatically import your images meta data.
Manage Galleries
  • Centralized gallery management. Enjoy a single location where you can see and manage all your galleries.
  • Edit galleries. Add or exclude images, change gallery title and description, reorder of images, resize thumbnails.
  • Thumbnail Management. Turn thumbnail cropping on and off, customize how individual thumbnails are cropped, and bulk resize thumbnails across one or more galleries.
  • Edit Individual Images. Edit meta data and image tags, rotate images, and exclude images.
  • Watermarks. Quickly add watermarks to batches or galleries of images.
  • Albums. Create and organize collections of galleries, and display them in either compact or extended format.
Display Galleries
  • Multiple Gallery Types. Choose between two main display styles: Slideshow and Thumbnail, and allow visitors to toggle between the two. Or display Imagebrowser galleries and Singlepics.
  • Slideshow Galleries. Choose from a vast array of options for slideshows, including slideshow size, transition style, speed, image order, and optional navigation bar.
  • Thumbnail Galleries. Choose from a wide range of options to customize thumbnail galleries, including 5 different lightboxes for individual images, optional thumbnail cropping and editing, thumbnail styles, captions, and more.
  • Single Image Displays. Display and format single images.
  • Work with Options Panel or Shortcodes. 



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